From Industry 4.0 to Business Intelligence (BI).
In the previous publication we mentioned a mega trend of devices or artifacts connecting to the Internet, such as telephones, televisions, alarms, etc., making up what is now called the Internet of Things (IoT). We also discussed how the word "smart" has been used to...
From the Internet of Things (“Internet of Things”, “IoT”) to Business Intelligence (“BI”).
Technology continues to evolve and marketing is in charge of putting in our conversations concepts and words that represent mega trends, but that we often find confusing, obscure or trivial. For example, now everything is "smart", we talk about smart phones, smart...
Innovation Plan with an assured ROI (part 4 of 4 on the Linnet methodology).
Through our methodology, the entrepreneur achieves two main benefits: An assured return on investment. An innovation plan. Ensuring a return on investment is our commitment and what distinguishes our consultancy. This is the way we put ourselves on the entrepreneur's...
Solution implementation strategy (part 3 of 4 on the Linnet methodology).
In the previous stage, the cause-effect analysis was carried out based on a tree analogy, where the leaves and fruits were represented by all the symptoms of the situation being analyzed and the branches grouped similar symptoms, describing them with a phrase that...
Cause-Effect Analysis (part 2 of 4 on the Linnet methodology).
In the previous stage, information was gathered on the current situation of the company in an area of interest to the entrepreneur, through a dynamic in which the team members wrote down their perceptions on small pieces of paper ("postifs"), taking into account the...
Problem or Situation Analysis (part 1 of 4 on Linnet methodology).
It all starts with a desire to improve, an attitude to progress and overcome the challenges we face. A good example could be the situation of a student who wants to pass an exam to achieve certification in a specialty or academic degree. We can imagine the nerves,...
What do we do at Linnet?
What do you do? This may be one of the most frequently asked questions when it comes to building a relationship in a professional environment. So you're probably wondering: What do you at Linnet do for a living? At Linnet, we are dedicated to help entrepreneurs have...
Collaborative games: Learning with values is fun.
IoT en la Gestión de Negocios con inventarios que se pesan.
IoT en la gestión de negocios con inventarios que se pesan.
Webminar “7 estrategias para el control exitoso de inventarios”.
¿Sabes cómo puedes mejorar la rentabilidad de tu negocio con inventarios? En nuestro webminar "7 estrategias para el manejo exitoso de inventarios", se tratarán estrategias sobre la planeación financiera, la tecnología y hasta los racks en almacenes que te ayudan a...