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Select the solutions your company requires!

We adapt Linket to your company!

Catalyze a more productive teamwork, avoid losses and improve the experience of your clients.

Adaptation process

Our quotes have 3 components

All our solutions are designed to meet the requirements of your company or business and are specially adapted to the needs of your innovation strategy.


at no cost to you

It includes:
collection of
Solution design.
Quote presentation.


One time variable cost

It includes the adaptation of Linket to your company and technical support for the implementation of the Linket system in your company.

Annual Maintenance Policy

Anual fee

Includes licensing, framework and operating system updates for cybersecurity, backups and technical support.

Frequent questions

What factors influence the cost of adaptation and the annual maintenance policy?

Based on the particular needs of your company or business, and according to the operating requirements, a system is designed that guarantees continuous operation. It has an additional cost that is minimal compared to the great advantages of feeling calm and protected in the face of any eventuality.

Is it complicated to make a special application for your company or business?

We have the knowledge, experience and means necessary to build a system from scratch, or use part of already developed and tested software to which we make the necessary adjustments to adapt it to your needs.

How much does an application designed for my company cost?

Depending on the particular needs, we will design a personalized product according to the operation modules. Each software is different as well as the corresponding investment.

One of the additional advantages is that we have a satisfaction guarantee in addition to technical support.

What suits me best, commercial software or custom software?

Both have advantages and disadvantages. The main difference of a custom software is that it is personalized, it is adjustable and that is the reason why Linnet stands out from the competition. We are owners, designers, builders, and technology managers, so your investment is in good hands.

Get our diagnosis and solution proposal at no cost

Contact us

442 253 9262

442 359 6380


Linnet LLC,

P.O. Box 81491

Rochester, MI. 48308

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