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Struggling with overstocking or overselling due to inaccurate inventory data?

Lack of visibility across multiple sales channels and warehouses?

Cumbersome software hinders productivity, and diverse suppliers complicate multi-channel integration.

Having trouble extracting valuable insights from an outdated or inadequate system?

A tailored, multi-channel suite to simplify your operations and sync sales data effortlessly, so you can

See Your Business Grow!

📉 Tailoring Process: Customized modules to fit your unique business needs.

🎯 Launch Process: Seamless deployment for immediate functionality.

✨ Support & Maintenance: Training and ongoing support to ensure peak performance.


Point of sales.
Loyalty card.
PO tracking.
Scrap tracking.
Integrated CRM.
Actionable Reports.
Pricing schemes.

Information Hub:

Pricing publisher.
Promotions publisher.
Reports concentrator.


Inventory Sync.
Pick-up or Delivery.
SMS order to ship.
Online invoicing.
Scheduling schemes.

Warehouse & Production:

Barcode generator.
Production Planer.
Streamlined MRP.
Special Inventory Reports.

What is the pricing structure?

Customization incurs a one-time fee

Maintenance and support come with an annual cost

How we launch for your business:


Requirements gathering.


Platform Customization.


System launch.

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